Category Archives: Self Improvement
Today’s Short Lesson – Imposter Syndrome
I have just learned that my fear of “being found out” and letting the world know that my knowledge, skills, and abilities are not as good as others seem to believe has a name. Imposter Syndrome. I read that most … Continue reading
Life in Pieces of a Clear Path
“He who goes questing for what he wants may discover, along the way, what he needs.” Many years ago, I was on vacation in Ecuador and had some time in the evenings to read. I had brought along “The Hour … Continue reading
Me On Pause (Not for the faint of heart. You have been warned.)
My current state seems to be “me on pause”, Actually, the truth of the matter is that the arrival of menopause has done more than cause me to pause, it has knocked me flat on my ass! One day, I … Continue reading
A New Journey
In March, I turned 49 and to my surprise, it was the worst birthday that I have ever experienced. Turning 49, not only made me focus on my professional future but also on my life in general. In addition, I … Continue reading
Embracing Each Day
When I wake up each morning, I wake up happy. Within moments of being awake, I always think of something that makes me happy, no matter how small. I have done this for so long that it happens without me … Continue reading
Life in Pieces of Revisiting Plagiarism
Monica Crowley backs out of Donald Trump’s administration after plagiarism accusations. To be fair, I heard of Monica Crowley for the first time a few weeks ago and I truly have no opinion about her. She is simply the current … Continue reading
Life in Pieces of Finding the Good
I have been working to teach a 9 year old to “find the good” in situations instead of letting negative outcomes shut her down. I have informed her that my initial reaction to certain situations is to shutdown and let … Continue reading
4 Word Resolution
On Twitter, people submitted their four word new year’s resolutions. I am not one to make resolutions. I just live my life to my best each day and I am always looking for ways to improve. Sometimes, I find ways … Continue reading
Life in Pieces of Where Do You Get Your Water?
Cheryl Strayed posed the question, “Where did you get your water?” This made me think, for all the struggles that I have encountered, where did I find my strength to move forward and become the person that I am today? … Continue reading
The Fork in the Road
A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with a friend about retirement. During the conversation, it was clear that the person had an idea of what they wanted for retirement but as concrete as it should have sounded, to … Continue reading