Category Archives: Self Improvement

Life in Pieces of Storytelling

“If others tell us something we make assumptions, and if they don’t tell us something we make assumptions to fulfill our need to know and to replace the need to communicate. Even if we hear something and we don’t understand … Continue reading

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If the House Smells like a Dog, Wash the Dog and Other Things I Sometimes Forget.

Wash the Dog The other day, the grands and I walked in the house and I asked, “What the heck is that smell?” I began checking the kitchen sink, garbage cans, and other places that might have some leftover tidbit … Continue reading

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The Test Results are Back and We Need to See You…

As everyone knows, once a female becomes a woman, it is time to begin the embarrassing, annual visit to the gynecologist and I am no different. I make the appointment and dread the visit. This appointment is rarely one that … Continue reading

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Life in Pieces of a Plan

I have always been a bit envious of people who are able to save money because this is not a trait that I was given. I try to save money but before I know it, it is gone. I used to … Continue reading

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Life in Pieces of What I Know Right Now

I have noticed a number of articles on various websites that address the topics “What I would tell my XX year old self” or “What I have learned in my XXs” or “What I wish I had known in my … Continue reading

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A Proustian View on Being Unfollowed

A Proustian View on Being Unfollowed This above post goes well with my Blog Short – Why Don’t You Like Me Go check it out!!

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Vacation Reflections

Vacation has always been a time for me to forget my real life and lose myself in something fun and exciting. For me, vacation is about saving my money for months or even a year, and then, throwing all caution … Continue reading

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October 9,2016 – A Random List of Things I Know

Exercise has to be a “want to” not a “have to” for it to be a long term success. Reducing calories is more beneficial than exercise when trying to lose weight. Toe socks are a vital part of my exercise … Continue reading

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A Short Piece on Silence

What can I say about “silence“?  What I want to do is stop now and leave the page blank but hey, that would only be fun for a second. My world is never silent. Even when no one is talking … Continue reading

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Life in Pieces of What’s Missing

Search Google and you can find many instances of this quote or something similar:”Don’t focus on what’s missing…”. It seems very familiar so I know I have heard it at some point in my life. Unfortunately, I filled it away and … Continue reading

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